My brother is a really great writer. Ever since high school I've enjoyed reading his work. There has been a bit of a lull in his output until recently. I and others have told him he needs to get a blog so he can share his gift. He bristled at this idea. He felt that the views he expresses would not be "PC" enough to post for mass consumption. I totally understand that point of view and share it to some degree. I do quite a bit of self-censorship when it comes to personal topics - not so much political or social topics (nevermind that I have yet to do real post on either topic). I only want to write about things that I would not mind if anyone I know or will know read... I can't use a blog as a journal to share personal feelings like some do.
I just read a Facebook posting of some sort (it just showed up on my home page) from a family member that I would have never posted had I been in the same shoes. Self-censoring is kincking in and that's all I'm going to write about that.
The good news is I still get to read my brother's work even though he isn't sharing it with the world.
New Headcast Video Coming Soon
7 years ago
I love reading people's work! Look forward to following your blog from here in China. We have one, too:
PS - I would really like to know what was posted by your family member :) Can you give any details? :)
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